Photos of the Day: August 23, 2015
Nuts for luck, a delicate mushroom, and those little bugs that swarm on the river rocks ……
Nuts for luck, a delicate mushroom, and those little bugs that swarm on the river rocks ……
Here are some great new wildflower photos from Kayah Gaydish of Wild South. Kayah is working on invasive plant removal in Linville Gorge, and knows a lot about plants in general. Below are some of the first photos she’s shared … Continued
Pink pinesap, life in the leaf litter, and a snail with hands …..
Lespedeza, rat snake, and a cool mushroom ….
A bit of rain (finally!) and out come the mushrooms ……
Mystery plant, cow-wheat, and berries of Indian cucumber root ….
Insects, yonahs, and pukeweed …..
Spiders, snakes, and the seeds and flowers of late summer…..
Cool bugs, a basket-weaving spider, and an Appalachian bellflower ….
Yonalossee salamander, lots of flowers, and hearts-a-bustin’ …..