Photos of the Day: June 22, 2015
VIDEO: Tiny fungi, unidentified flower, and a foraging ant … Day in an ant’s life. (Video: Jon)
VIDEO: Tiny fungi, unidentified flower, and a foraging ant … Day in an ant’s life. (Video: Jon)
A rare climbing fern …
Dried out mushrooms and a springtail …
VIDEO – Cave coral, stalagmites, and stalactites … Here’s a video of the dripping action that creates these formations. (Video: Kevin)
VIDEO: Jesus bugs and a rare reishi … Water striders’ (family Gerridae) oily feet skate across the water surface tension. (Video: Jon)
Hickory tussock says, “Go away!”
VIDEO: Caddisfly larva, underwater snails, and hunting spiders … Caddisfly larvae build protective cases for themselves using bits of leaves or sand. (Video:: Nick)
Red spotted newt in a post-flood pool …
Boletes, an upside down snail, and yet more blue berries that aren’t …